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Fresh 48 - Love at first sight

What is Fresh 48? Well, it's not a food delivery service!

A Fresh 48 photography session is done 24-48 hours into the life of your new baby. Generally this ends up being in the hospital, when it's all a bit of a blur, with the days meshing into one another.

You're in a delicious bubble with your new babe and recovering from a c-section or natural delivery.

You probably haven't slept much, your tummy is still there, (though strangely deflated), your body may be aching in all sorts of places, and that first hot shower can't be underestimated. Amongst all the changes to your own body (frozen nappies, anyone?!), you have a new little human you get to keep and cherish. That's overwhelming in itself.

This is a whole new learning curve, as you experience breast feeding, pumps, and the constant diarising of every bowel movement of your new babe.

Life has just got a lot more beautiful (and stressful!).

Those first few days as a new mum are so surreal: the adrenaline is still pumping around your body, when you realise with a start you haven't even slept for 2 days. Yeah, this is just the beginning, you'll never sleep properly again.

For myself, the first 12 hours post birth was spent stuck on the hospital bed - I couldn't stand up or I'd pass out. I learnt that the hard way. An advantage to this was I got out of doing those first "tar" nappy changes. I took photos of my new babe being held by his big brother while I was laying down in bed. That's dedication, right?

Do you remember being shocked at the first burst of fresh air you breathe in after 5 days confined to the maternity ward? Then that nervous first car ride with your most precious bundle? The realisation that the world kept spinning as you sat gazing at your new baby, feeling like the most amazing person ever. You just made a human!

The whole experience for me was pretty special, and these moments captured are some of my most cherished family photos. Here is my littlest, milk pimples, scratches and no props, in a singlet that is swimming on him, rocking the most awesome hair do and tan (okay, jaundice). I've even thrown in a photo of me - no matter that my make up isn't perfect (ok, completely non-existent) and my belly is still bulging - this was a moment in time I want to remember, in all its glory.

This is why I love doing Fresh 48 sessions.

Newborn with eyes open
new baby
newborn baby wrapped in hospital basinet
Kylie kennedy with her new baby in hospital

Day old baby boy

Big brother holding his new baby brother

Dad and newborn baby asleep

New dad with his baby boy

Sleeping baby

New baby in hospital

Newborn features

newborn hair

Long newborn hair over the ears

Freshly baked newborn feet

Newborn yawns

Newborn sleeping on the hospital bed

new baby

Newborn rocking cool hairstyle

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